C.A.R.E.4Paws C.A.R.E.4Paws

Sweet, 15-year-old poodle Gigi Marie LePoo has a great name and a great human mom in Robbie Ingram, also a senior. They share a deep bond, taking care of each other. Robbie adopted Gigi Marie from a shelter many years ago and trained her to be her service dog. Robbie suffers from sleep apnea, which means she stops breathing at night. When this happens, Gigi Marie has been trained to lick Robbie’s face to wake her up. She has saved Robbie’s life many times.

In September, Robbie brought Gigi Marie and her four-legged sister, 12-year-old Willow Wee Mouse, to one of C.A.R.E.4Paws’ mobile clinic events in Oceano for wellness exams, nail trims and flea treatments. She also got a rabies vaccine to renew Gigi Marie’s dog license. Since Robbie lives on a minimal, fixed income, C.A.R.E.4Paws sponsored the vet visits for both dogs thanks to the grant from Grey Muzzle Organization. Robbie was beyond happy and grateful to receive these services for her pets.